Shop counter bells are just that – bells to ‘ding’ so as to catch the attention of the shopkeeper. So whether or not you are shy about using them or always eager to bang it on the head, you’ll find they are usually ‘nice … Continue reading
Category Archives: Decorative Treasures
I love decorative homewares and that is part of what my home based business is all about. In addition to my own decorative work I’m always searching for beautiful decor items to add to the EP Designs range of products. … Continue reading
A few posts back I wrote about reproduction Murano art glass. Continuing on that theme here is another reproduction of a very popular item – the gramophone. As I wrote earlier, nothing compares with the original designs. I’d rather own … Continue reading
It’s lovely to be surrounded by beautiful flowers. But I must confess, I’m not very good at looking after flowers in a vase. I admire people who make an effort to grace their homes with freshly cut flowers – whether they’re … Continue reading
Murano art glass designs are very beautiful and stylish. If you can afford to buy an original it’s well worth it. I would love to own an original. The shapes, colours & effects they achieve is amazing … but it’s … Continue reading