Small Vintage Charm

Welcome to Pink Saturday!
This week my pink Saturday has a touch of classic vintage charm. These are small oil paintings framed in the most gorgeous ornate frames. They are not my creations but they will be available in my store soon.

…. a small delightful painting full of charm.

The next painting is just as delightful – portrait of a lady holding roses in her arms…. 

The rich gold frames are replicas of actual Victorian designs.

…. and lastly, a sweet, single bloom.

My favourite painting is the first one but they’re all equally beautiful.


… And now for our weekly challenge here are a couple of participants I’d like to introduce you to – Do pop in and say ‘Hi’ –

Rosie from  Journey to Charm

Caren from K. Dottie Designs


Happy Pink Saturday Everyone!


There are many wonderful entries for Pink Saturday which is hosted by Beverly at How Sweet The Sound. Take time to visit participants’ blogs and see how Pink everyone’s Saturdays can be.


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Small Vintage Charm — 26 Comments

  1. Thanks so much for visiting me!! I love your frames and paintings, I especially am fond of the roses. Just
    beautiful, have a happy Pink Saturday.


  2. What a wonderful Pink Saturday post! I just ? the fact that each of us shares such a variety of items – that’s one reason why this event is never boring. Always something fun, new, lovely or interesting around the corner.

    Thanks for sharing a part of yourself today? Cold, gloomy day today but, as always, bright and sunny on the Pink Saturday blogs.

    ?Wishing you sunshine and happiness this weekend!?

  3. Elena ~ Thank you so much for recommending my blog! I was so surprised and ecstatic. Your frames and pictures are all beautiful but I think I like the white one the best. Again, thanks so much and have a wonderful Pink Saturday!

  4. Ciao, Elena!!!

    You’ve selected some gorgeous ones there!!! My fav is the single bloom! I love that frame too!

    Thank you for coming over and saying hi!!!

    Have a very happy PS!!!

  5. Pingback: Tweets that mention EP Designs » Small Vintage Charm --

  6. What lovely paintings. I particularly like the primroses in the first painting and the rose in the last. Just lovely. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy Pink Saturday…


    Sheila :-)

  7.! Love those paintings! Gorgeous. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you come visit again soon. Happy Pink! Tammy

  8. Hi, Elena,
    These pictures are delightful!! The frames are a wonderful piece of art just by themselves. Thank you for sharing them and Happy Pink Saturday (a little late)! Enjoy your Sunday and have a great week ahead, dear friend! Vicki

  9. The pictures are beautiful and you are right, the frames are gorgeous. Love the last two with the single bloom, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  10. Hi Elena..sorry about the late post..but having been running into chaos all weekend! Love your prints..but the last one of the dingle bloom captured my heart…..
    Glad you stopped in!