Sheer Elegance

 Welcome to Pink  Saturday! 

Many of the decorative tablecloths designed in the early days of EP Designs were definitely One-Of-A-Kind. I couldn’t resist some of these gorgeous sheers and satins. I wasn’t content with using the usual soft furnishing fabrics (although there were many gorgeous design there too) and my eye strayed onto elegant, soft materials found in the dress fabric department. 

These decorative tablecloths worked well as sumptuous throws, adding that touch of elegance anywhere in the home. The above photo shows a tablecloth/throw and a matching tablerunner …… or shawl.  One of my pleasures was in designing these items for multi use – why have them just for the table, or draped over lounges or mirrors when you could also wear them!


Tassels were a feature on nearly all of my designs. Each set hand made to match or complement the fabric.


Ok, this is more magenta than pink but the tassels are pink and I think it fits nicely into Pink Saturday.


What do you think of this old chair? It was given to me by a friend who found it under her house whilst renovating. I was going to try and ‘fix’ it or recreate it but it was too far gone. However, I did make good use of it as a prop for these photographic sessions.

I just love the contrast between the old, rickety chair and the delicate, smooth flowing fabrics……


There are many wonderful entries for Pink Saturday which is hosted by Beverly at How Sweet The Sound. Take time to visit participants’ blogs and see how Pink  everyone’s Saturdays can be.


Happy Pink Saturday!


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About Elena

Mum to one teenage boy who has been homeschooled. I'm a decorative artist with a background in Interior Design. I love lots of colour, painting & generally being creative, all things beautiful, sunsets, beaches, sunny days, chocolate and bubbly.


Sheer Elegance — 19 Comments

  1. Hi Elena, Happy Pink Saturday! Those tablecloths are gorgeous! So shimmery and beautiful! I do like that chair – I love all things chippy and weathered.

  2. Lovely sheers, just beautiful! Ohhhhh that chair, it’s too bad it’s not structurally sound, what a treasure!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Sheer elegance is right! What absolutely gorgeous fabric!! I agree, the chair is totally cool too!! Have a simply fab PiNk SaTuRdAy! Hugs, Marsha

  4. Elena, the chair is the perfect backdrop for your elegant table coverings. They are lovely. The throw with the matching runner are my favorites. Have a wonderful pink saturday!

  5. Yes, yes! Very nice contrast indeed. I do like the shape of the chair and it’s chipped paint. You fabrics are so pretty and shiny. It must be really soft to the touch. Ooohhh to dress one’s table in such pretty tablecloths :-)

    Happy Pink Saturday Elena!


  6. Cold, dark, misty in my neck of the woods. My perennials are hiding and I am wearing a sweatshirt. Coming here today made my day a little brighter. Thanks so much.

    I’m a little late with my Pink Saturday visits because I had my grandsons for the weekend and couldn’t tear myself away from them?

    ?Wishing you and yours a week full of happiness?

  7. Hi Elena! Just trying to get in a few more pink visits on my old-n-tired computer. It just takes too long for me to load EVERY person’s blog for each and every Saturday, so I try to visit as many as I can. Your table “dressings” are all beautiful, but my favorite item for your post today is your chair!!! I LOVE it! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you have a wonderful week! ~tina

  8. I try to get around to as man blogs as possible too – there so many of them, and I do enjoy it. Thank you for your comments Tina – I love that old rickety chair too :)

  9. Hi Elena,

    Ooooh! Gorgeous fabrics. Thank you for your visit to my Pink Saturday post. Hope yours was magnificent in every way.

    Cheers! =D
    ~Kitty Kellie