After visiting a market recently and seeing lots of gorgeous hand crafted teddy bears, I was prompted to write about my ‘recreated’ bears. Making or recreating Teddy bears is not my usual craft but a few years back I was inspired to dress up a few cute little bears. I’d given them each a name & a little story attached. Here is one of the bears I called Daisy.
Daisy Bear adores her garden. It is her favourite pastime. It’s her passion and she reaps many rewards from her labours. But Daisy is not a selfish bear. She loves to share the fruits of her labour; and many neighbours & friends often find Daisy on their doorstep with an armful of blooms, a pretty bouquet, a basket of fragrant roses, handfuls of spring flowers or a special arrangement of her favourite picks.
Daisy is a special little bear who’s found a home with a special little girl.
