From The Archives …

Welcome to Pink Saturday!

It’s exciting to get back into Pink Saturday. For those of you who pop in frequently, you will notice I have a New Look blog. This coincides nicely with my 200th blog post…. So stay tuned for a celebration to mark these two events!

While doing my ‘on again – off again’ clean up around the garage & work area I organised a small collection of teapots. Some will need to be recreated & some are more of the ‘collecting’ type. I don’t have any newer recreations to show you so I fossicked through my photo archives to find one old teapot which was given a makeover a few year back.

Of course this can’t be used as a teapot but it can be used as a decorative piece. The teapot is more pink in colour than is showing up in the photo. In the above photo it’s sitting elegantly on a recreated tray.

Old teapots make charming vessels for beautiful blooms …. preferably the real kind though – don’t know what I was thinking when I took this photo, lol.


… And now for our weekly challenge – here is a delightful participant I’d like to introduce you to –

Diana from Sissie’s Shabby Cottage

There are many wonderful entries for Pink Saturday which is hosted by Beverly at How Sweet The Sound. Take time to visit other participants’ blogs and see how Pink everyone’s Saturdays can be – you won’t be disappointed.

Happy Pink Saturday Everyone!


PS: I would love your thoughts on my New Blog design – so if you have some feedback for me I loved to read it – Here .

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From The Archives … — 7 Comments

  1. Such a pretty tea pot and I do love using flowers in them esp. if you find one without a lid at a yard sale or a thrift shop.

  2. I love the soft pinks you found for your post today. They are really lovely. I hope you are having a wonderful Pink Saturday. Blessings…Mary

  3. Hello, dear Elena,
    I love teapots, too. Yours is very pretty and elegant. I think flowers in them are a wonderful idea. Love your new blog look, dear friend. I saw on the news where you all had some rough weather. Hope things have improved. Have a blessed week! Vicki

  4. Elena, I love the side bars. Such beautiful treasures. I think the header is a little too simple for me but I am no expert. Love the teapot and the tray. Is the tray originally silver? If it is, it is such a great idea for those old trays and silver bits and pieces from the thrift shops.