The Handmade Show

It’s here again! Time passes by so quickly it’s hard to believe the October show is only one day away.  The Handmade Show committee have been busily organising & promoting the show and processing new applications. I’m looking forward to meeting new stallholders & browsing their creations.

There’s also a fabulous prize to win. Everyone who comes to THS will be given a free entry into the draw to win a $40 Gift Voucher. This is a great giveaway but to be in it to win you need to come to the show.   More Info Here.

Don’t forget – this is an Indoor show so you can Browse through at a leisurely pace, chat with the crafters & artisans, enjoy a drink from the bar …. and enter the giveaway – it’s a free entry plus you receive an extra 2 entries with every purchase. Sounds good to me! You’re sure to have a fabulous time :)

Of course, EP Designs will be there so come along and say ‘Hi’ to us.

The Handmade Show
Saturday 16th October
11 am – 3.30pm
95-97 Drummond St. Oakleigh

Op Shopping

Are you an op shopper?  If so, what is it about op shops that draw you in? These stores are usually overflowing with all kinds of paraphernalia. Stocked full from floor to ceiling there’s sure to be an abundance of stuff to send a spark of interest and keep it zapping like a live wire as you fossick through. What was someone’s one time treasure has become their trash; and now this trash will eventually become someone else’s new treasure.

Op shopping is something you either love to do & can’t resist or you loathe it and avoid it. I wonder how many non-op shoppers have had a change of heart? I don’t have any ‘statistics’ to go by but I’m sure that when most people take their first or second look at an op shop they’re surprised. Even the most adamant of shoppers of new, modern & fashionable trends is sure to become hooked – all it takes is the glimmer of one tiny little trinket or trifle to catch the corner of your eye & lead you to that incredible ‘bargain’ item you just have to have.

Yes, I’ve seen it happen in the op shop – people walking through from the car park just to go to the cafe, their pace getting slower as they glimpse something of interest. Not looking for anything? But they DO find something… or it finds ythem! Can’t go past it- Got to have it. And so begins a new relationship between op shop & shopper. That walk through from the car park to the cafe becomes a daily or weekly ritual.

New items, old items, used or renewed, modern or fashionable, collectors’ delights, antique, vintage, retro, trinkets & frills, cute & sweet, fanciful costumes and classical clothes – it’s all there to be found. 

A bargain find – I needed a jewellery box & this one is in fabulous condition & looks great on my dresser too;  two watches – both in working order of course, and batteries included (I no longer need to keep checking my mobile phone for the time); plus a set of 5 silver bangles (I love bangles & bracelets) – I handed over a $20 bill & received more than enough change  for a cappuccino. Now, I’m not the one who walked from the car park to the cafe – I was hooked years ago – but I have seen it happen.

Have you found any great op shop bargains lately? Please share them with me, I’d love to hear your story.

The Art of Transformation

Eric Grohe creates amazing mural art designed to transform the environment and to endure for generations. He works in cooperation with architects, designers and community representatives to create these masterpieces.  Eric believes that …

his art should involve, challenge and inspire the viewer; not simply adorn, but integrate with its architectural surroundings.

I would love to see this kind of work on some of our drab old buildings in Melbourne’s CBD. Oh how it would lift them, brighten the city and the community.  I would love to see this artwork replace most (or preferably all) the awful grafitti around here. There’s not much more I can say at the moment as I’m in awe of Eric’s magnificent work.  But take a look for yourself at some of his work and see what you think – 

Honoring Every Soul With Loving Service

Before –

After –

Niagara At The Mall

Before –

After –

Enriching A Brewing Heritage

Before –

After –

You can read more about Eric Grohe here. Want to see more of his amazing murals then check them out here.

Every project is a grand adventure,
if passion for the work and inspiration are your guides.

Eric Grohe, excerpt from lecture at
Columbus College of Art and Design

Nominate My Blog

The time has arrived again for the Business Mums Network Blog Awards. The theme for the 2010 awards is –

Blogs by a business mum that tells us about her business.

As usual I leave things until the last minute so I’m now short on time to get nominations in for my blog.

How does this work?

Firstly, click on the Nominate My Blog button at the top of this post. This takes you to the blog awards page where the information is given. You will also find the Terms & Conditions there too. If you’re happy with everything and you’d like to nominate my blog, please scroll down to where you see Click here – this takes you to the nomination page.

You can nominate as many blogs as you like, but you can only nominate each blog once.

What happens next?

The 3-5 blogs with the highest number of nominations will be chosen as finalists.

Prizes are also being given out to those who nominate blogs.

So, if you like what you see on my EP Designs blog please nominate it before the end of today.

Are You Creative, Crafty, Arty ….

… Do you design and hand craft quality products? Do you live in Melbourne and looking for a warm, friendly and exciting place to exhibit & sell your wares?

The Handmade Show could be just for you. This is where we showcase the talents of local artisans and crafters.  Perhaps you would like to join us!

Our focus is on quality handmade products, and we love to exhibit a large range of crafts. We are on the lookout for unique, well made products that are locally made in Melbourne.

As you would know, most markets charge you a fee for holding a stall. The Handmade Show operates a little differently because we (the artists & crafters) run the market ourselves. We are a non-profit group that all share the responsibilities of running The Show, and therefore a donation from each of our stallholders is requested to go back into the general costs of running The Show. A portion of this also goes back into the RSL.

Interested in becoming a stallholder or would like to know more? Please visit The Handmade Show blog to register your interest, and you will be sent an application kit!

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