Daisy Bear

After visiting a market recently and seeing lots of gorgeous hand crafted teddy bears, I was prompted to write about my ‘recreated’ bears. Making or recreating Teddy bears is not my usual craft but a few years back I was inspired to dress up a few cute little bears. I’d given them each a name & a little story attached. Here is one of the bears I called Daisy.

Daisy Bear adores her garden. It is her favourite pastime. It’s her passion and she reaps many rewards from her labours. But Daisy is not a selfish bear. She loves to share the fruits of her labour; and many neighbours & friends often find Daisy on their doorstep with an armful of blooms, a pretty bouquet, a basket of fragrant roses, handfuls of spring flowers or a special arrangement of her favourite picks.

Daisy is a special little bear who’s found a home with a special little girl.

The Handmade Show – 17th July

Did you miss out on the last Handmade Show?  Here’s your chance to catch up with us because we have another show just around the corner.


Date: Saturday 17th July 2010


Time: 11am – 3.30pm

Place: Oakleigh-Carnegie RSL

95 – 97 Drummond St.

Come and Join us for a friendly chat and an inspiring day!

All of our stalls are set inside the main hall of this wonderful venue which oozes with old world charm.  In addition to the gorgeous handmade products for sale there is a café, bar and a delightful beer garden which overlooks the local gardens & children’s playground.

A perfect setting for The Handmade Show.

Don’t miss out on the show this time around – see you there! 


A Splash Of Colour

In the midst of  grey, bleak days of winter it’s lovely to get a splash of colour in the garden.

Welcome to Pink Saturday!

We’ve had a number of cold, grey days so far this winter.  Ok, I won’t complain about the rain because we’re still on water restrictions here & our dams will take years to fill up again …. but that doesn’t mean I can’t whinge about the cold, lol.  How lovely though to go outside and have these frilly camelias smiling back at you.

…..well they were actually from my aunt’s garden. They look so bright & happy – just what is needed to brighten up the day.

In our backyard we also found a surprise splash of colour. Here they are sitting in an unglamorous pot amongst a few gardening tools – beautiful bright pink cyclamen.

…. just right to chase the gloom away. The sun also came out long enough to snap these photos – what a difference it makes.


… And now for our weekly challenge – here is a delightful participant I’d like to introduce you to –

CC from Lace n Ribbon Roses

CC is also haveing a giveaway on her blog so do pop in & enter.


There are many wonderful entries for Pink Saturday which is hosted by Beverly at How Sweet The Sound. Take time to visit other participants’ blogs and see how Pink everyone’s Saturdays can be – you won’t be disappointed.

Happy Pink Saturday Everyone!


Can You Work It Out?

See if you can work out what these words have in common.










Worked it out or have you given up?

No peeking at the answer.

Don’t give up though – give it another try. Look at each word carefully.

You’ll kick youself when you discover the answer.





No, it’s not that they all have at least 2 lots of double letters.









In all of the words listed,
if you take the first letter, place it at the end
of the word, and then spell the word backwards,
it will be the same word.

Flog Yo Blog!

Brenda from MummyTime started a meme a while back called FlogYoBlog.  Her aim is to provide an opportunity for bloggers to promote their blog and connect with other like minded bloggers.

So here goes for my first Flog 😉  

These memes can be lots of fun so do join in. Pop over to Brenda’s blog, have a read of the rules & then add your blog.


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